Pieter Gabriel


” April the 5th, a date every grunge fan will remember. It’s the day, when an idol for generation-x has not only left the building, but also his body. Kurt Cobain. 16 Years Later, 6 Austrian bands presented their very own interpretation of some Nirvana songs. Ernestey Internation & Sir Tralala, Vortex Rex, Pieter Gabriel, Tiefseetaucher, Captain Knife and last but not least Dr. Karaoke. The Location is situated at the “blue” Danube Canal, though Green River would be a more accurate description of it. Anyway, the lighting was not spectacular and very reduced. I guess, it’s less dangerous. Some basic colored spots highlighted the faces on the stage. As I qouted above, the sun was gone and I used a flashlight. I made some experimental color editing this time. To reflect the 16 years which have passed since Kurt Cobains suicide, I converted the photos to greyscale and painted back in the highly saturated portions of the photo. So here we are now … ”– by Christian Messner

 Pieter Gabriel , originally uploaded by Christian Messner // check out >> CM Photo

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Cheers ..

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